Dr. Kyle Christensen | DeGrey Christensen

Healing at Home | Blog

Dr. Kyle Christensen | DeGrey Christensen

Healing at Home | Blog


Healing: Body - Mind - Spirit

December 04, 20235 min read


Body - Mind - Spirit

Health can be so elusive. What would you be willing to trade for optimal health? Time? Money? Comfort? Like so many things in life, what we have is not appreciated until it is lost or compromised. We as humans tend to be lazy. We want the maximum result for the minimum of effort. Too often I find myself having to negotiate with someone to make the changes needed in their lifestyle to restore their health. I find it ironic that we cling so tightly to the things that are destroying our health and wellbeing. Case in point, people's love affair and addiction to sugar. It defies reason when you really examine it.

Our goal here is to assist you with transforming your lives as quickly and economically as possible. In the nearly four decades of clinical practice, I have discovered a few things that can help, but as the saying goes, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

Here is a brief overview of the tools we can help as you strive towards your optimal health.



Your body requires a few things that are not negotiable.

Sleep - You need it. Regular, consistent and on schedule. 7.5 to 9 hours for most of us. We have great tools and strategies that can get you on track. You simply cannot be healthy and chronically sleep deprived.

Food - Whole natural food. It’s that simple, though not easy in today's world. Overconsumption of sweets (natural and artificial) and cheap, processed oils are killing you and are responsible for nearly every chronic and degenerative disease.  

Drink - Water, clean and pure. Drink it. It should be the primary liquid you put in your body. Drinking sweets should be reserved for very special occasions. The metabolic condition known as ‘Insulin Resistance’ is caused by overconsumption of sweets - most commonly in what we drink.

Exercise - a sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise) will result in far more joint and muscle pain than an active lifestyle. It can be as simple as taking the stairs or parking at the back of the parking lot. Getting your blood circulating and heart pumping. 



Keep learning. Be actively engaged in endeavors that captivate your mind and imagination. TV and too much screen time is harmful to brain health and development. Get all parts of your mind on the same page.  “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”  (James 1:8)  If you are working against yourself, then take a step back and get things so that you can stop wasting your energy fighting yourself.  

Break bad habits and do what you need to do to overcome addictive behaviors.  Become who you want to be mentally, so that it can be manifest in other areas of your life.  



Sin and iniquity often result in brokenness. Iniquity is inherited evil, passing down through people and environments. Generational trauma can be passed down affecting our neurobiology resulting in physical, mental and emotional issues that set you down an unhealthy path and is perpetuated through many families.  Healing brokenness through repentance (changing the heart) and other processes can free you from being bound and weighed down with burdens that can and should be released.

Our Services and Tools

Chiropractic - Natural Healthcare

Dr Christensen has been in practice since 1985 (whew! That’s a long time). In addition to chiropractic (musculoskeletal concerns - both chronic and acute), he works helping resolve a myriad of health concerns and conditions using nutrition, herbal medicine and a variety of methods designed to help you reach your optimal health as quickly and economically as possible.

Nutritional Analysis

DeGrey Christensen (Doctor’s Son) is a certified nutritional consultant who is trained in Heart Sound Recordings. This super high tech instrument allows him to assess and determine nutritional deficiencies in your body which will tell you what nutrients and supplements your body is in need of.

Emotion Code

Dr Christensen is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. This powerful and innovative technique helps individuals release trapped emotions that may be causing physical, mental, and emotional distress. This is an important tool in deep and lasting health and wellbeing.


DeGrey will be entering his third year in hypnotherapy. We have seen miracles in the office ranging from the long term resolution of annoying habits such as nail biting to transformation of deep brokenness in the lives of long time sufferers.

Herbal Medicine

We have developed many herb kits that give you supplies and tools to make your own powerful and effective herbal remedies. Making your own herbal remedies in larger quantities saves money and gives you plenty for your family and to share.


Rather than being overwhelmed by all of the things you are not but should be doing, do this exercise. Find a quiet time and space where you can relax and through meditation or prayer ask this simple question: What should I do right now?  Don’t make it any more complicated than that. Then listen. Typically a thought or impression will suddenly pop into your mind. And here’s the key. If you begin to argue in your mind why you can’t do that, making excuses and putting it off, then you know for sure this is what God wants you to do. Of course, it will be inconvenient and difficult, but being honest, this is the first step. As you continue to listen to and follow promptings, your life will improve. This is the grand secret to a happy fulfilling life. Listen to and follow spiritual promptings.

If we can assist you on your journey, give us a call.


Kyle Christensen, DC, ND, MH

DeGrey Christensen, ACN, CHt

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Dr. Kyle Christensen | DC | MH | ND

Dr. Kyle Christensen - D.C., N.D., M.H

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How to Make Sauerkraut

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Cold Laser Acupuncture Treatment

Healing @ Home: Allergy Elimination

Releasing Trapped Emotions

Intro to Muscle Testing

How to Dry and Revive Your Sourdough

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