In 1973 the Nobel Prize was awarded to Nikolaas Tinbergen for his discovery in 1951 in the behavior of butterflies. His research found that if they decorated fake cardboard butterflies to be more vibrant and beautiful than the butterflies found in nature, the real butterflies would ignore other real butterflies in an attempt to mate with the fake cardboard butterflies. This study showed the results of supranormal stimulation (super-stimulation) in things that can not be found in nature.
Just like the cardboard butterflies, pornography is a form of supranormal stimuli. It mimics nature, but is far beyond what can actually be found naturally. Instead of appreciating real people and taking the time and effort to form real relationships, one can simply browse online, scrolling through an endless supply of “cardboard butterflies'' with plastic surgery, excessive libido, and instant, easy gratification. The search creates excitement, triggering the adrenal glands, whose adrenaline increases the heart rate and blood flow, reduces feelings of pain, and gives a feeling of exhilaration, then, once the ideal piece of pornography is found, the brain is hit with a shot of dopamine, the reward neurotransmitter, usually reserved for doing things that promote survival (such as eating, competing, and reproducing). Pornography tricks the brain into thinking it has experienced sex. As a result, this shot of dopamine, also known as the “feel-good” transmitter rewards the viewer, makes them feel happy, fulfilled, and relieved of stress.
It is easy to see how, as a result of this brain chemistry, pornography becomes chemically addicting. It becomes a quick and easy release to the stress of life, a work-around to actual dating and relationship building with no chance of rejection or failure, a thrill for those seeking that exciting adrenaline rush. The problem becomes apparent when we realize that, like the cardboard butterfly, none of it is real. Those caught in the trap of pornography have effectively poisoned their minds against what is real in favor of what is not, can not be, and never was real. This behavior distracts the person from forming real relationships and destroys relationships that have already been formed. These chemical and emotional drivers cloud the mind and impair judgment. Over time, they form intense addictive habits as more and more intense triggers are required to get the same hit of these brain chemicals. Eventually, nothing, not even real relationships, meet those needs.
When one pauses to consider those hurt most by pornography, namely those being ignored and cast aside while the viewer is pursuing their habit. We see emotions of betrayal, loss of trust, loss of love, anger, and lessened self-esteem. I have worked with many women who, with broken hearts, have revealed how they have been hurt to the core by their husbands engaging in pornography. It is not an innocent crime. It creates emotional (which can become physical) pain and illness. It breeds thoughts of “why aren’t I good enough?”, and it destroys love at it’s very core.
Love, contrary to what many believe, is not an emotion in itself, but rather a combination of several emotions. Respect. Trust. Appreciation. Gratitude. Selflessness. When we say, “I love you” we can replace love with any or all of those words. When we say that “pornography kills love”, we can replace love with all of those words as well. Pornography kills love and destroys relationships.
When we consider the spiritual implications of a pornography addiction, we can clearly see how it has become the most vile poison to a person’s spirit. In seeking to worship God, we seek to obey His commandments. Obedience to God is worship. Logic then dictates that if we seek to obey the directives of the devil in seeking out this sin then we find ourselves worshiping the devil. In this way, pornography use is devil worship.
When an adversarial entity worms it’s way into someone’s mind, they introduce thoughts that cause pain. “You’re not good enough. You are not worthy of love.” is a common one. They will then introduce a “remedy” for that pain. “Look at pornography, it will make you feel better.” And it does, for a moment. Brain chemistry proves that. Then, the entity will bombard their victim with thoughts that amplify the guilt the person feels when they sin. Thoughts like, “You are horrible and disgusting. How could you do something like that! Don’t you feel stressed now? Look more! It will make you feel better.”
This continues until this entity can casually sit back jerking the chain they have tied around this person’s neck back and forth while wrapping it tighter and tighter. There are usually at least two entities involved in pornography. Those of Lust, which tells us to look for more, more, more, deeper, deeper, deeper. And those of Curiosity, which ask “what else might be out there?” “What would that person look like naked?” “Keep searching for that novelty, those images that you have never seen!”
After a while the person feels so trapped, that they “feel” like they no longer have any choice but to look. Once a person reaches this point, the entities of Hopelessness, Helplessness, and Despair often make an appearance and start telling their victim, “There is no hope for you, you are trapped.” “No one can help you, you can’t even help yourself.” and “There is no point. You’ve destroyed your life, ruined your relationships, and got yourself trapped. No one wants you around, you don’t even want yourself around. The world would be better off without you.” These are lies! These lies inevitably lead to thoughts of suicide. The devil wants you to die in your sins!
But the truth is that, no matter how many times someone looks at pornography or masturbates, there is always that moment of clarity just beforehand where they have the thought, “I shouldn’t do this.” This moment of clarity is a prompting and a choice to do what, deep down, everyone knows is the right thing: to turn away from these fictitious butterflies and self-destructive habits. There is always a choice. No matter how difficult it may seem. There is always a way back. Any thought to the contrary is a lie!
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7. When a person starts recognizing and resisting the directives of the entities that push pornography and have ensnared them, the chains start breaking, the entities start losing power and can be replaced with positivity. When faced with active resistance, these entities flee. They will look for an easier target elsewhere and wait for the resistance to stop. If solid mental walls are put up to immediately reject intrusive thoughts and positive emotions and habits are used to replace these entities, they will not be able to return.
It is not enough to simply power through temptation and desire. That may prove to be impossible when they are at their strongest. The draw to one thing must be replaced with a draw to something else. One needs to identify where temptation is at it’s strongest and decide beforehand what will be done instead of indulging in pornography. Avoidance is better than willpower! When the temptation comes, it must be consciously rejected in favor of the new choice. When failures happen, the question “what went wrong?” must be asked and plans must be adjusted accordingly. Pornography needs to be put where it belongs: in the past with no “secret intentions” of going back to it. None of this, “I’ll quit after this time” nonsense. That thought is a surrender.
Once the mind has changed, the cardboard butterflies done away with, the entities resisted and blocked out, and the chemical addiction pushed past, healing begins and the person is able to move forward with a healthy mind to build healthy, real, relationships.
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Hours: Mon – Thur | 9:00am – 5:00pm
Phone Number: (801) 360-0749