The world, society, and culture is approaching chaos. For years things have been steadily becoming less stable. In my opinion, there is evil in the world that is pushing and striving for the destruction of peace and prosperity. Good people, who strive for good will and to simply live their lives are being marginalized and even attacked for not embracing morals and values that to them, are abhorrent.
Politically, we are told to believe lie after lie. That our leaders are bright and coherent. That our economy is thriving. That our borders are secure. That our children are safe. And that we are respected and moving forward on the world stage.
Efforts are being made to distract us through the ridiculous media circus, driving our attention on matters that are absurd and frivolous. While behind closed doors and unreported or underreported are the workings of those who would enslave us, congest our freedoms and liberties, that would choke our ability to pursue happiness that was previously envied by the world as “the American Dream.”
In asking “Are you ready?”, I cannot rightfully expect any of us to truly be prepared for what may or may not unfold. If wars and the threat of wars are imminent... If the financial world twists to the point that we no longer have free will or control of how we spend… If our schools, work places and churches become targets rather than havens of safety… If our basic rights and freedoms are attacked and withdrawn… If our very health and vitality are being compromised under the guise of doing what is best for society. How can you be ready?
The answer, of course, is you cannot be completely ready to withstand and glide through unscathed for what may come. But you can be more ready, more prepared than you currently are. The matter of preparedness is so multifaceted and complex that it is impossible to adequately set yourself and your family in a place or situation that will position yourself to ride above the storm.
Each of our situations and circumstances are different. Our needs, wants, and desires are unique. I learned long ago that I did not sign up for “the easy life”. And I would bet that you didn’t either. But in spite of the adversity and struggles we each go through there can be hope. I have discovered that by listening and following the subtle promptings (often disguised as thoughts or ideas that pop into my head), I can make decisions, go places, and buy things that will put me and my family in a better position.
I am not a doomsdayer. I see myself full of hope for a bright and happy future. But I am also a realist. I see what is happening and understand that that beauty often rises from the ashes of adversity.
And so we strive to prepare every needful thing. Whatever that means. Let me share with you an example. Years ago my wife felt like she needed to purchase cloth diapers. Do they even make those any more?!! She brushed it off as ridiculous. But the thought or prompting wouldn’t let go. I reminded her that we don’t have kids in diapers, and besides, no one uses cloth diapers anymore. Finally, she said, I just have to do this. So now we have a supply of cloth diapers, plastic pants, and diaper pins. And she was at peace. Are we ever going to need these? I don’t know, but we have learned that when the spirit speaks and we follow, we feel better. Are we crazy? Oh yeah. But we are striving to follow those inner promptings whether the benefit will be ours or someone else that will be in need.
So I ask each of us to ask this one simple question. WHAT SHOULD I DO? That’s it. Then listen. What arises from your heart and mind?
Do you need to recover your health?
Do you need to redirect or reallocate how you spend your money?
Do you need to store something to be tucked away for a future need?
Here is how I discovered that a thought or idea is coming from God: I begin to argue or rationalize in my mind why I can’t or shouldn’t have to do it. For me, typically, if the impression to call or visit someone arises and I find myself saying “Oh, it’s too late to call (it’s after 8:00, they’ve probably gone to bed (yeah right)”. The prompting comes again. For many of us the third nudge to move is the one we finally respond to.
If you are honest and sincere, you will be guided to do something that may be uncomfortable. Change vacation plans, spend money or save money. You may not be totally ready or prepared for the changes that are happening. But you will be more than you would be.
Dr Kyle Christensen
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Address: 1172 E 100 N #12, Payson, UT 84651
Hours: Mon – Thur | 9:00am – 5:00pm
Phone Number: (801) 360-0749